General Knowledge

General Knowledge

Become a Handwriting Expert

The following points will make you enough able to analyze handwriting and personality attributes related to handwriting. However this is a big subject and requires lot of practice. A summary of points is discussed here.
1-Emotional Energy (Pressure & Slant)
One of the important factors to know about the author is the emotional energy. The emotional energy has a direct impact on every other trait displayed in handwriting. Emotional energy is determined by how much pressure is exerted by a writer while writing. Pressure may be determined by how DARK is the writing.
Writers with heavy pressure are usually more successful. Their emotions last for long.
The second indicator is slant. Emotional energy can be determined with slant in writing. The writers who have a right slant (///) usually have strong responses to external forces. These people are loving and caring.

A vertical slant (lll) writer is a person ruled by principles. He keeps his emotions in check and never let his heart to rule his mind.
A left slant (\\\\) writer hides his emotions and is indifferent.
2- Determine Emotional Control and Reliability of Writer (Baseline)
This trait is shown in the baseline of the writing. A baseline can be straight, wavy or sloped. A slight wavy baseline is considered to be normal baseline. An ascending baseline writer is optimistic. While a tired or depressed person show descending baseline. A level baseline falls in between of optimism and pessimism.

3- Determine Writer’s Ability to Concentrate (Size)
This trait is indicated by size of the writing. The writer who writes small is the one who concentrates on minor things for longer period of time. Such writers are not easily distracted by outside forces. They are usually conservative and thrifty. Writers with large sized writing are easily distracted by outside forces. They have weak concentration ability.
4- Imaginations and Desires (Three Zones of Handwriting)
These zones reflect imaginations and desires. The upper zone reveals psychic abilities and scientific thoughts considered to be intellectual. The people whose writing mostly falls in upper zone have strong imaginations.
The middle zone of writing deals mainly with day to day routine like paying utility bills, household tasks, social concerns etc. these people have more approach to daily life routine.

The materialistic approach such as sex drive, wealth, appetite etc is shown by lower zone of writing.
5- Measure of Comfort (Spaces between Letters)
Average spacing between letters shows self confident and comfortable writer. Compressed letters show uncomfortable writer. Irregular spaced letters indicate that writer is confused.
6- Social Life (Spacing between Words)
The people who use compressed spaced writing are likely to be closer to crowds. They enjoy crowded places.
The people who use average spaced writing, though they don’t like crowded places, but feel comfortable in contact with others.
Wide spaced writing show attribute of the people who are not comfortable in contacts and try to avoid others. They mostly like loneliness and enjoy themselves. These people have difficulty in dealing with others.
7- Intelligence (Small letters ‘m’, ‘n’, ‘r’)
Intelligence can be guessed with small letters “m”, “n” and “r”.  Those who write these letters with pointed top are considered to be ‘above average’. These people are sharp minded and able to capture the things rapidly.
Those who write these letters with round top are below average in thinking. They are slow as compared to pointed top writers.
The people who write these letters flat and thread like are those who have low mental capacity and do not pick up the things quickly. Flattened peak also shows writer’s deceptive attitude.
8- Aggressions (Writing Speed)
Fast writer are very spontaneous, aggressive and ambitious.
Average speed writers are cautious, organized and slow thinker. However, other attributes will also combine together to give a full meaning.
Slow writer have lack of mental capacity and ambitions.

Sample Analysis (Combining all the factors)
let us consider a sample writing and combine all the attributes

1-Pressure: Writer has a low pressure showing low ambitions and emotional energy
2-Slant: Writer uses left slant which shows that she hides her emotions. As she has low pressure too, hence the left slant supports her in hiding low emotions.
3-Size: The writer has average size smooth size. She focuses on minor things and is not easily distracted by external environment. She does not take decisions rapidly.
4-Zone: Most of the writing falls in middle zone which shows her day to day routine. She has materialistic approach as home decoration, gardening, dressing etc.
5-Spaces: Spaces between letters are average however spaces between words are somewhere wider. She does not like crowds and want to spend more of her time lonely.
6-Intelligence: She is a slow methodical thinker and spends time to think before taking decision. She does not jump to conclusion at once and have creative abilities.
7-Speed: She has slow speed and have grip on the words. As she also has low pressure and left slant, hence this attribute shows low energy and ambitions.

In short, the writer is a person who likes to be lonely. She makes very selective friends and is not outspoken. Her ambitions in life are too low and she gets satisfied on minor things. She is difficult to fall in love and takes time to decide upon the things.  


Mechanical Inventions and Discoveries
Inventions & Discoveries
Name of Inventor and Discoverer
Aeroplane (1903)
Wright Brothers
Air brake for railroads (1869)
Alcohol Thermometer (1709)
Fahrenheit (Germany)
Balloon (1783)
Bicycle (1842)
M. Macmillan
Dynamo (1831)
Michael Farady
Diesel Oil Engine (1897)
Rudolf Diesel
Engine (Railway) (1913)
Fountain Pen
Gramophone Cinematography
T.A Edison
Helicopter (1909)
Internal Combustion Engine(1876)
Nicholas Otto
Jet Propulsion (1930)
Frank Whittle
Laser (1960)
T.H Mainman and C. Gilbert Young
Steam Engine (1764)
James Watt
Machine Gun (1861)
Richard Galling
Alexander Graham Bell
Z. Janssen
Mercury Thermometer (1720)
Neon Gas
W Ramsay
Power Loom
Cart Wright
Printing Press
J. Gutenberg
Phonography (1877)
L. Daguerre
Taylor and Young
Revolver (1835)
Radio Telephone (1906)
Lee De Forest
Radio Transmitter (1914)
Sewing Machine
Barthelme Thimmonnier
Steel Melting Process
Henry Bessemer
Steam Boat
Fulton (USA)
Robert Mallet
Safety Razor

Important theories of Sciences and their originators

Atomic theory
John Dolton
Atomic numbers
H. Mosely
Atomic smashing theory
Classification of plants and animals
Carlos Linnaeus
Combustion, nature of conditioned reflex
A.Lavoisier I.P.Pavlov
Displacement of water
3rd Century B.C
Dynamic theory of heat
Electromagnetic waves
Heinrich Hertz
Evolution by natural selection
Charles Darwin
Falling bodies(Laws of falling bodies)
Gases (Laws governing)
Joseph Gay Lussac
Germ Theory
Louis Pasteur
Gravitation (Laws of Gravitation)
Sir Issac Newton
Theories of Isotopes
Velocity of Light
Olaus Romar
Synthesis of Water


Every Day Science
1.      Why are cloudy nights generally warm?
Ans: Because clouds prevent the radiation of heat from land and air.
2.      Why is rain water soft but river water hard?
Ans: Rain water is the purest form of naturally occurring water being obtained as a result of evaporation from the surface of the sea. As such, it is soft water. Now when the river flows, it takes up impurities. When it flows down the plains, it takes up suspended impurities like clay and becomes muddy and hard.
3.      Why fanning produces a sense of coolness in the body?
Ans: By fanning the moisture of the body is evaporated. During this evaporation, the moisture absorbs its heat of vaporization from the body, which therefore experiences a sense of coolness.
4.      When the pressure is decreased, how it affects the boiling point of the water?
Ans: The boiling point of the liquid also decreases by decreasing pressure
5.      Why sound on moon is not heard?
Ans: Because there is no atmosphere that works as a medium for propagation of sound.
6.      Why we prefer to wear white and lighter colored clothes in summer?
Ans: Because lighter colored clothes absorb heat less and reflect more. That is why we feel comfortable in white and light colored clothes during summer.
7.      Why do photographic films get spoiled on exposure to light?
Ans: Silver bromide solution with which it is treated gets oxidized on exposure to
8.      Why does Eno’s salt give effervescence when water is added to it?
Ans: Carbon dioxide gas comes out of the salt producing effervescence as its one of the property of carbon dioxide gas.
9.      Why do water pipes in hilly areas often burst on a cold frosty night?
Ans: Water in the pipes freezes and on freezing water expands below 4 degree centigrade. Hence it causes to break the pipe.
10.   Why do we sweat on a hot day?
Ans: In order to maintain a constant temperature of human body that is 37 degree centigrade, water comes out of pores of our skin to lower the temperature in hot days.
11.   What temperature in both Centigrade and Fahrenheit is the same?
Ans: The temperature that is same on both scales is -40.
12.   What is the name of mammal which lives in the sea?
Ans:  Shark/ Whale.
13.   Name the bird does not fly?
Ans: Ostrich
14.   Fanning produces coolness in the body. Why?
Ans: During fanning, fresh air strikes our body and takes out some heat with it and we feel relaxed. In order to continue this process fan is turned on.
15.   What drops are put in the ice to cause dilation of pupils?
Ans: Atropine
16.   Which phenomena concerning light explain the formation of the Rainbow?
Ans: Refraction
17.   Why hydrogen filled balloon rise?
Ans: The molecular weight of hydrogen is less than that of air.
18.   Why should we not sleep under the tree at the night time?
Ans: Trees breaths out carbon dioxide gas at the night. Hence the person sleeping under the tree at night will feel suffocation due to less availability of oxygen.
19.   Why does a body immersed in water weigh less?
Ans: When a body is immersed in water, an upward thrust is applied on it by water which according to Archimedes’ principle is equal to weight of the water displaced by the body. Hence due to that upward thrust, the body immersed in water weighs less.
20.   How does the sun keep replenishing its energy?
Ans: By the nuclear transformation going on in the sun’s atmosphere.
21.   Why do the metal tea ports sometime have wooden handles?
Ans: This is because of the fact that wood is bad conductor of heat and hence we can easily pick up metal tea port as wooden handle does not get warmed.
22.   What keep the glider up in the air?
Ans: Upward thrust of the air.
23.   What is the cause of night blindness?
Ans: Night blindness is caused by deficiency of Vitamin A, which is mostly found in green leaves vegetables.
24.   What is acupuncture?
Ans:  It is a Chinese system of medicine.
25. How is it that a metal cap which has been firmly fixed in the neck of a glass bottle can be released by warming the cap?
Ans: On heating, metal expands more than glass due to which it can be easily released.
26.   Why is the driving mirror usually convex and not plain?
Ans: Convex mirror focuses the light rays on a point called focus. Due to this property, wide range of area can be seen in a small convex mirror.
27.   How is it that a needle sinks in water but a ship does not?
Ans: According to Archimedes’ principles, when a body is immersed in water, an upward thrust is applied on it which is equal to weight of the water displaced by that body. When a needle is immersed in water, its weight is more than that buoyant force (upward thrust) due to which it sinks. While ships are designed in way that their weight is less than that buoyant force, hence ship floats.
28.   Water preserved in a porous vessel is cooler. Why?
Ans: Water coming out of the pores evaporates and takes heat away from the water.
29.   Why the setting sun does appear red?
Ans:  Sun being near the horizon, the rays have to travel a long distance. The red color has the longest wavelength; other colors of which the sun rays are composed have shorter wavelengths. So the other colors are scattered by the dust particles and only red penetrates.
30.   Why does the thunder roll?
Ans:  Sound of thunder is reverberated by two clouds and two sounds get mixed up.
31.   How do the fish live in the river where water is frozen?
Ans: At 4c, water has maximum density. When upper layer of water reaches at 4c, due to being denser it goes down and lower layer being less dense comes up, then new upper layer gets 4c temperature but does not change its place as the lower layer is also at 4c. Hence upper layer reaches at 0c and freezes while the lower layer remains at 4c. Fish lives in the lower layers at 4c.
32. Why is a person in a moving vehicle thrown forward when the vehicle stops suddenly?
Ans: A person in a moving vehicle is in the state of motion. When the vehicle stops suddenly, the person leans forward due to inertia. Inertia is a property of a body due to which it resists any change in state of a body. As the person changes his state from motion to rest, hence inertia produces which resists this change and push the body forward.
33.   Why is it dangerous to sleep in a closed room with the coal fire burning?
Ans: Burning coal gives Carbon Monoxide and consumes oxygen of the room. Carbon Monoxide is a poisonous gas and causes asphyxiation.
34.   How can bats fly in the dark?
Ans: Bats produce ultrasonic waves with their wings which are reflected back by striking an obstacle if any. Then these reflected waves are detected by bats and they change their way.
35.   Why does not moon have an atmosphere?
Ans: Moon’s thinness is ten times of the earth. So gases emanating from the surface escape into interplanetary vacuum.
36.   Why is cooking quicker in pressure cooker?
Ans:  In pressure cooker, steam is accumulated in it, which then rises the pressure and temperature also.
37.   Why does a big fire in the open appear to be fanned by strong winds?
Ans: The air over the fire spot becomes hot resulting in low pressure, but around it, pressure is high so the air rushes from high pressure zone to low pressure zone giving an appearance of fanning the fire.
38.   Why is it necessary to add manure or fertilizer to the field to get the good crop?
Ans: Plants take nutrients from the soil to grow and fertilizers supply these nutrients.
39.   Why does the candle get extinguished when covered with a tumbler?
Ans: Burning needs oxygen so covered flame will extinguish as the supply of oxygen is finished.
40.   Why does the milk turns soar?
Ans: Due to action of bacteria.
41.   Why does a blotting paper absorb ink?
Ans: There are pores in the blotting paper and through capillary action the liquid rises up in it.
42.   Why does a piece of ice make liquid cold?
Ans: Heat flows from hot body to cold body until the both bodies get the same temperature. As piece of ice is at low temperature, hence heat from liquid starts flowing from liquid to ice till the ice melts and both get the same temperature.
43.   What scientific phenomenon is responsible for causing winds?
Ans: At hot places, air gets lighter and moves up. The airs from surroundings move to take its place.
44.   Why do the clothes keep us warm during winter?
Ans: Clothes prevent the heat of body to escape, that’s why body remains warm.
45.   Which mirrors are used as automobile headlights or torch light reflectors?
Ans: Concave mirrors are used because they spread light rays.
46.   Why does the surface of a smooth road appear wet under hot sun?
Ans: Due to mirage effect in which light changes its straight path while passing through different layers of air which differ in temperature.
47.   The burns produced by a steam are deeper than those caused by water at the same temperature. Why?
Ans: Steam produces more burn than water due to latent heat of vaporization.
48.   Why do we not feel the movement of earth?
Ans: Because we move along with the earth.
49.   Why does a rod partly immersed in water appear bent?
Ans:  When light rays enter from a rare medium to denser medium, they change their path. This phenomenon is called refraction. Due to refraction, rod partly immersed in water appears bent.
50.   Why is mercury used in thermometer?
Ans: It is good conductor of heat and expands uniformly.
51.   How is paper made?
Ans: Bamboo, waste papers and rags are boiled and formed into pulp, which is bleached and dried as sheets.

52.  Why is it easier to roll a barrel than to pull it along the road?
Ans: When we drag a barrel along with the surface of earth, it experiences more friction that rolling because in rolling very few area is in touch with earth, while in dragging more area is in touch. Hence more the area drags along the surface, more it experiences friction. That is why rolling friction is less than sliding friction. Rolling friction is almost hundred times less than sliding friction.
53.  Why does a red flower look red?
Ans: A red flower looks red because it absorbs all the colors of light, except red color. Hence the red color is reflected and comes to our eyes due to which we see it red.
54. How is it that a person is able to skate? Why does not he slip as soon as he stands?
Ans: The weight of the body on edges of the skates makes the ice under the skate edges to melt and check slipping.
55. How does a thermos or Dewar’s flask keep a hot liquid hot and cold liquid cold?
Ans: It does not allow radiation of heat, partly due to the vacuum enclosed between the two chambers and partly due to silvering of inner walls.
56. Why is a compass used as an indicator of direction?
Ans: The magnetic needle of a compass always lies in north-south direction under the influence of the earth’s magnetic field.
57. Why are leaves green?
Ans: Leaves are green due to Chlorophyll which is green in color.
58. Why does radio reception improves after sunset?
Ans: After sunset there are no ionizing radiations from the sun and so ionosphere, which reflects radio waves become more stable.
59.  Why does the gun kick back when a bullet is fired?
Ans: According to Newton’s third law of motion, there is a reaction to every action which is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.
60. How does oil of wick rise to the flame?
Ans: Due to capillary action.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great information, Thank you for sharing.

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  4. I never knew that personality and emotions can be judged by hand writing. Insightful.

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