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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
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1) The unit of spring constant is
a):No unit
c):Newton meter
d):Newton per meter

2) An external force acting on a spring is ____ to increase in its length
b):Directly proportional
c):Inversely proportional
d):None of all

3) In a simple harmonic motion, acceleration of the body is _____ to the displacement from the mean position
b):Directly proportional
c):Inversely proportional
d):none of all

4) In simple harmonic motion, a body vibrates about__
a):Equilibrium position
b):Extreme position

5) In simple harmonic motion velocity of a body is ____ at extreme position
c):Double to that of mean position
d):Equal to acceleration of body

6) If length of a simple pendulum is made four times then the time period becomes
d):Four times

7) If mass of a body attached to a spring is made one fourth, then the time period becomes
d):Four times

8) By increasing the value of time period, the value of π ___
a):Also increases
c):Never changes

9) The types of waves which require medium for their propagation are called
a):Mechanical waves
b):Electromagnetic waves
c):Surface waves
d):Sky waves

10) The distance between two consecutive troughs or crests is called
b):Time period
c):Wave length

11) The number of waves passing through a point in one second is called
b):Time period
c):Wave length

12) The relation between frequency of a wave and its time period is given by the equation

13) The relation between velocity, frequency and wavelength of a wave is given by
c):λ=f/2 v

14) By increasing frequency of a wave, the velocity of the wave at a constant wavelength
c):Remains constant
d):Becomes double

15) Turning back of waves into the same medium after striking a surface is called

16) Two identical waves passing through a medium in opposite direction along a same line, produces
a): constructive interference
b): destructive interference
c): stationary waves
d): none
17) At second harmonic, the frequency of wave is found to be ____ of fundamental frequency
a): Twice
b): Thrice
c): Half
d): Four times

18) The frequency at which a stationary wave makes only one loop is called
a): First harmonic
b): Second harmonic
c): Third harmonic
d): Fourth harmonic

19) In terms of wavelength the distance between two nodes or antinodes is
a): One wavelength
b): Half wavelength
c): One quarter of wavelength
d):Two wavelength


20) When amplitude of a vibrating body increased, sound becomes
b): Fainter
c): Unaffected

21) Sound level in decibels for any unknown intensity I which is 10 times greater than intensity Io of faintest audible sound, is given by the relation
a):10 log(I х Io)
b): log I/Io
c):10 log I/Io

22) Sound level for average whisper is

23) The characteristics of sound by which two sounds of same loudness can be distinguished is called

24) Distance between node and antinode is equal to ____ of wavelength
a):one half
b):one third
c): one fourth


25) The center of a mirror is called
a):Center of curvature

26) Aperture is
a): Distance from focus to pole
b): Distance from pole to center of curvature
c): Twice the distance from pole to center of curvature
d): Distance from object to pole

27) Radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is
a):equal to its focal length
b): twice the focal length
c):half of focal length
d):four times of focal length

28) If distance of the object from the mirror is denoted by p and that of image by q and focal length by f, then relation between f, p and q would be
a):1/p= 1/f+1/q
c): 1/q=1/f+1/p

29) ________ are used in motorcycles and automobiles which enable the driver to see the automobile coming behind them
a):Concave mirror
b):Convex mirror
c):Concave lens
d):Convex lens

30) If a ray of light passes from one particular medium to another, then the ratio of sine of incidence angle to sine of refracted angle for that medium
a): Changes from time to time
b): Depends upon size of medium
c): Always remain constant for a particular medium
d): None

31) Refractive index of glass with respect to air is
a):speed of light in glass x speed of light in air
b):speed of light in glass/ speed of light in air
c): speed of light in air/ speed of light in glass

32) Refractive index for soda lime glass is 1.5, this means in glass light travels at _____ times the speed of light in vacuum.

33) Relation between real and apparent depth of the water is
a):Refractive index= real depth/apparent depth
b):Refractive index= apparent depth/ real depth
c):Refractive index=real depth x apparent depth

34) If apparent depth of a swimming pool is 1.5m and real depth is 2m then refractive index of water is

35) Unit of refractive index is
a):Meter square
b):Per meter
c):Per meter square
d):No unit

36) The angle of incidence in the denser medium for which corresponding angle of refraction is ____ degrees in the rare medium, is called critical angle

37) When the value of the angle of incidence becomes greater than the critical angle then the ray__
a):Passes through second medium without changing path
b):Enters into second medium at an angle of 45 degrees
c):Does not enter into second medium and is totally reflected back

38) If A is angle of prism and Dm is the angle of minimum deviation then refractive index n would be
a): sin(A/2)/sin(A+Dm)
b):sin(A+Dm)/2) / sin( A)
c): sin (A+Dm)/ Sin (A/2)
d): Sin ((A+Dm)/2) / sin (A/2)

39) A totally reflecting prism is that which has one of its angle equal to 90 degree and each of the remaining two angles equal to ___degrees

40) A total internal reflection takes place when the incidence angle of a ray is _____critical angle
a):Greater than
b):Smaller than
c):Equal to

41) The type of endoscope which is used to examine liver is called
a): Bronchoscope
c): Gastroscope
d): Stroboscope

42) Rainbow is a solar spectrum produced due to the ____ of light

43) The order of color in primary rainbow is: red, orange,___,___,___, indigo, violet
a):yellow, green, blue
b):green, blue, yellow
c): yellow, blue, green

44) Rays of light passing through a convex lens near to its axis are called
a):Marginal rays
b):Paraxial rays
c):Coherent Rays

45) If focal length is measured in meter then power of lens is measured in __
a):Meter square

46) If the image is virtual then its distance from lens is taken


47) Basically electric charges are of ___types
48) The instrument used to detect and test the nature of charge on a body is called
a): stethoscope
b): electroscope
c): endoscope
d): stroboscope

49) The coulomb's force between two charged bodies is directly proportional to the ____ of quantity of charges on them

50) The unit of force is Newton, while the unit of coulomb's force is
a): coulomb
b): Newton
c): coulomb/meter
d): no unit

51) If the quantity of charge is doubled, the coulomb's force becomes
a): double
b): three times
c): four times
d): half

52) If the distance between charged bodies is made four times, the coulomb's force becomes
a): 4 times
b): 16 times
c): 1/4 times
d): 1/16 times

53) In coulomb's force, the constant k has value
a): 10 Х 1010 Nm2C-2
b): 9 Х 99 Nm2C-2
c): 10 Х 109 Nm2C-2
d): 9 Х 109 Nm2C-2

54) Electric lines of forces emerge from
a): positive charge
b): negative charge
c): both positive and negative
d): none

55) The ability of a conductor to store charge is called
a): capacitance
b): induction
c): resistance
d): conductance

56) The equivalent capacitance in series combination is always ____ the individual capacitance
a): equal to
b): greater than
c): lesser than
d): none

57) The equivalent capacitance in parallel combination is always ___ the individual capacitance
a): equal to
b): greater than
c): lesser than
d): none


58) Unit of electric current is
a): volt
b): ampere
c): coulomb
d): no unit

59) If 2C charge passes through a surface in 1 s then the current flowing will be
a): 2A
b): 0 A
c): 1 A
d): 0.5 A

60) The flow of current is due to
a): nucleus
b): protons
c): neutrons
d): free electrons

61) The amount of energy supplied by battery in pushing one coulomb charge from its positive terminal to its negative terminal through the battery is called
a): electromotive force
b): electric potential
c): Resistance
d): Coulomb's force

62) Opposition to flow of current is called
a): electromotive force
b): electric potential
c): Resistance
d): Coulomb's force

63) If temperature of a conductor increases, its resistance
a): increases
b): decreases
c): no change

64) The unit of resistance is
a): no unit
b): ampere
c): ohm
d): volt

65) The unit of specific resistance is
a): ohm
b): ohm meter
c): ohm per meter
d): meter

66) The rate of increase in resistance per ohm per Kelvin is denoted by
a): α
b): Ω
c): ß
d): έ

67) Equivalent resistance in series combination of two resistors is always ____ each of individual resistor.
a): greater than
b): smaller than
c): equal to
d): none

68) In ammeter a shunt resistance is connected in ___ with the galvanometer
a): series
b): parallel

69) If a current of 2A flows for the time 0.5s between two points, then ____coulomb of charge will flow
a): 1
b): 4
c): 0.25

70) Voltmeter is always connected in ___ with the resistance across which the potential difference is to be measured
a): series
b): parallel

71) When (I) current flows for time (t) seconds through a resistor of resistance (R) then the energy gained during (t) seconds is
a): IR2t
b): I2Rt
c): IRt
d): IRt2

72) The amount of energy supplied by current in unit time is known as
a): Kinetic Energy
b): heat energy
c): electrical energy
d): mechanical energy

73) The electrical power for current I passing through a resistor of resistance R is defined by the formula as
a): I2R
b): IR2
c): I/R
d): IR

74) The relation between electrical power (P) and electric energy (W) is given by the relation
a): W=P
b): W=P/t
c): W=P2t
d): W=Pt

75) The electric power (P) in terms of voltage (V) and current (I) is
a): PV=I
c): P=VI
d): 2P=VI

76) 1 kilowatt hour is equal to
a):3.6 MJ
b): 2.6 MJ
c): 1000 MJ
d): 360 Х 105 MJ

77) Fuse is
a): connected in series with neutral wire
b): connected in series with live wire
c): connected with earth wire
d): connected in parallel with live wire


78) The magnetic lines of forces produced due to current passing through a straight conductor is in _____ form
a): circular
b): elliptical
c): rectangular
d): triangular

79) The force on current carrying conductor placed at right angle in a magnetic field is
a): in the same direction as current
b): in the opposite direction to that of current
c): perpendicular to both the direction of current and magnetic field
d): in the same direction as of magnetic field

80) A D.C motor converts ______ energy into _____ energy
a): mechanical, electrical
b): electrical, mechanical
c): kinetic, potential
d): potential, kinetic

81) The value of induced emf is directly proportional to the rate of change of flux, this is known as
a): lens' law
b): faraday's law
c): coulomb's law
d): Fleming's rule

82) If a current is induced in a circuit due to the change of current in another circuit is known as
a): self induction
b): mutual induction
c): magnetic flux
d): none

83) A transformer has 100 turns in its primary and 500 turns in the secondary. If a 6V DC is applied across its primary, the voltage induced across its secondary would be
a): 0V
b): 30V
c): 45V
d): 60V

84) Transformer works on the principle of
a): self induction
b); mutual induction
c): conductance
d): capacitance


85) Central part of an atom is called
a): neutron
b): electron
c): nucleus
d): proton

86) A nucleon is nearly ___ times heavier than an electron
a): 1236
b): 1836
c): 2036
d): 36

87) Elements having same atomic number but different atomic mass are called
a): nucleons
b): isotopes
c): protons
d): neutron

88) Natural process of breaking of elements is called
a): fission reaction
b): fusion reaction
c): half life
d): radioactivity

89) Radio isotopes are those radioactive elements whose atomic mass is _____ but atomic number is ____
a): same, different
b): different, same
c): greater than 82, less than 82
d): none

90) Uranium salt emits radiations
a): in the presence of sun light only
b): in the absence of sun light only
c): no matter whether sun light is present or not
d): none

91) Speed of all α rays emitted by one element is
a): same
b): different
c): varies in the range 1.4 Х 107 to 1.8 Х 107 ms-1
d): none

92) α rays passing through a gas produces
a): evaporation
b): ionization
c): excitation

93) α particles are in fact nuclei of
a): hydrogen
b): helium
c): boron
d): carbon

94) An α particle contains
a): One proton
b): Three neutrons
c): two electrons
d): both a and b

95) The speed of all the ß rays emitted by one element is
a): same
b): different
c): always constant
d): none

96) The mass and charge of β rays is equal to the mass and charge of
a): electron
b): proton
c): neutron
d): none

97) Gamma rays are
a): mechanical waves
b): electromagnetic waves
c): transverse waves
d): none

98) Due to radioactive decay, the atomic mass number of the newly produced element _____ but its charge number ____ by one unit
a): changes, increases
b): is same, increases
c): changes, decreases
d): is same, decreases

99) The half life of an element is that time during which the number of atoms of that element are reduced to
a): one third
b): one fourth
c): one half
d): one sixth

100) If half life of an element is T then after time 2T the number of atoms remains are
a): 75 %
b): 50 %
c): 25%
d): 0

101) Speed of light is equal to
a): 3 Х 108 ms
b): 9 Х109 ms-1
c): 3 Х 108 ms-1
d): 6.67 Х 1011

102) If mass of a body is 10 kg, then the energy produced by it to completely change into energy would be
a): 3 Х 109 ms-1
b): 3 Х 109 J
c): 3 Х 108 J
d): 3 Х 108 ms-1

103) Breaking of a nucleus into two parts with the release of large amount of energy is called
a): fusion reaction
b): fission reaction
c): radioactivity
d): half life

104) A reaction in which a few small nuclei form a heavy nucleus is called
a): fission reaction
b): fusion reaction
c): radioactivity
d): none


105) Germanium and silicon belongs to _____ group of periodic table
a): second
b): third
c): fourth
d): fifth

106) In silicon the number of valance electrons are
a): 3
b): 4
c): 5
d): 6

107) If outermost shell of an atom have ___ electrons, then it represent stable configuration.
a): 6
b): 7
c): 8
d): 0

108) Amongst time, modern telephone system, distance and pressure: _____ is digital quantity
a): time
b): modern telephone system
c): distance
d): pressure

109) The circuit which converts analogue signals into digital signals is called
a): rectifier
b): transistor
c): ADC
d): DAC

110) The type of chemical bond present in germanium is
a): covalent bond
b): ionic bond
c): metallic bond
d): none

111) Antimony belongs to ____ group of periodic table
a): third
b): fourth
c): fifth
d): sixth

112) The device that converts A.C to D.C is calle
a): ADC
b): DAC
c): rectifier
d): converter

113) If for input A=0 and input B=1, the output C=1, then it represents
a): AND logic
b): NAND logic
c): NOR logic
d): NOT logic

114) In NOR logic, output is maximum when first input is ____ and second input is _____
a): minimum, maximum
b): minimum, minimum
c): maximum, minimum
d): maximum, maximum

115) Output in AND logic is higher when input A and input B is equal to
a): A=0, B=0
b): A=1, B=1
c): A=1, B=0
d): A=0, B=1


116) Inventor of Radio is
a): Alfred Nobel
b): Faraday
d): Graham bell

117) In computer sciences, CPU stands for
a): Cambridge University Press
b): Central programming unit
c): Central processing unit
d): Central Planning Unit


1. Bamboo is a
a): Herb
b): Grass
c): Shrub

 2. ATP is
a): An enzyme
b): A hormone
c): A protein
d): A molecule containing high energy bonds

 3. Edible part of tomato is
a): Endocarp
b): Fleshy thalamus
c): Mesocrap
d): Whole fruit

 4. The earliest organism that appeared on the surface of the earth were probably 
a): Autotrophs
b): Symbionts
c): Heterotrophs
d): None of above

5. The primary producers of organic matter in nature are 
a): Bacteria
b): Fish
c): Green plants
d): Human beings

6. All of the following are examples of ‘berry’ type of fruit, except 
a): Lady’s finger
b): Banana
c): Grape
d): Tomato

7. Of the total weight of a cell in a leaf or a petal, water constitutes about 
a): 60%
b): 70%
c): 75%
d): 90%

8. Opium is obtained from 
a): Poppy leaves
b): Latex juice
c): Tablet type latex
d): Seed capsule of opium poppy

9. Osmosis is a function of which of the following factors 
a): The number of solute molecules in the solutions on the two sides of the selectively permeable membrane b): Pressure
c): Temperature
d): All of the above

10. The rice grain is 
a): A seed
b): One seeded fruit
c): Many seeded fruit
d): Multiple seeded fruit

11. Which of the following is/are required during photosynthesis process in addition to sunlight and water 
a): Oxygen and Nitrogen
b): Carbon dioxide
c): Hydrogen and Carbon dioxide
d): Nitrogen

12. Which of the following statements in regard to plant growth and development is not true 
a): In unicellular organisms growth involves decrease in volume and number of organelles
b): The life of a flowering plant begins with the fertilized egg
c): Increase in protoplasm leads to an irreversible increase in size and weight
d): All cells result from the division of previously existing cells

13. Which of the following controls the reflex action in the body? 
a): Central nervous system
b): Motor nerves
c): Sensory nerves
d): Sympathetic nervous system

14. Which of the following diseases is caused by Plasmodium Vivax? 
a): Benign tertian malaria
b): Malignant tertian malaria
c): Quartan malaria
d): Yellow fever

15. The compound eye of insect produces 
a): Binocular vision
b): Monocular vision
c): Mosaic vision
d): None of the above

16. The heart beat is initiated and regulated by nodal tissue made of specialized cardiac muscles 
a): Alveolar tissue
b): Purkinje tissue
c): Spongy tissue
d): None of the above

17. Who discovered the blood groups of man 
a): Edward Jenner
b): Larven
c): Kari Landsteiner
d): William Harvey

18. The important function ordinary cat of perspiration 
a): Get rid of the body wastes
b): Regulate the body temperature
c): Regulate the body water supply
d): Lubricate the epithelial tissue

19. The main function of white blood cells in the body is to 
a): Carry oxygen
b): Help in clot formation
c): Produce more red cells
d): Protect the body against diseases

20. Enzymes differ from ordinary catalysts in 
a): That they are non proteins
b): That they are produced outside the living cells
c): That they are proteins
d): None of the above

21. DNA model was given by 
a): Beadle and Talum
b): Fisher and Haldane
c): Lederberg and Talum
d): Watson and Crick

22. The number of chromosomes in the human body is 
a): 42
b): 44
c): 46
d): 48

23. Nobel prize for decoding and projecting the genetic code was given to 
a): Dr Abdus Salam
b): Watson and Crick
c): Strasburger
d): None of the above

24. The theory of inheritance of acquired character was propounded by: 
a): Charles Darwin
b): Gregor Mendl
c): J.B. Lamarck
d): Weismann

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